This is a professional intraoperative neuromonitoring system which helps reduce the risk of nerve damage during various of types of surgery and identify the integrity of nerve function before the end of surgery through objective evaluation indicators of central nerves, peripheral nerves, muscles and narcotics. It has flexible configuration of measurement modali-ties(EMG, MEP, SEP, EEG, BAEP, VEP etc.) and has the ability to combine a wide variety for different kinds of spinal surgery or neurosurgery
-Available in 16/32 Channels;
-Compact and light weight design for easy portability with 23 inch handy suitcase;
-Flexible configuration of measurement modalities, including EMG, MEP, SEP, BAEP, VEP, EEG, TOF, Pedicle screw etc. to meet different surgical needs of spinal surgery or neurosurgery;
-Equipped with high-performance computers to ensure the quality of acquisition