Surgical diode laser macine 1470nm 980 nm for hemorrhoid noinvansive laser treatment MSLBBN1455
Product Description
Minimally-invasive laser hemorrhoidsurgery that effectively delivers fast reliefand eliminates painful symptoms.
Usually performed as an outpatientprocedure, your surgeon will direct a beamof laser energy onto each individualhemorrhoid.
The laser energy cuts off the hemorrhoidand removes it completely. The advantageof using a laser, rather than a scalpel, forthis cutting is that lasers instantly close theincision and coaqulate the blood.eliminating bleeding. After we've removedthe hemorrhoids, we thoroughly clean andsterilize the area.
You should not feel any pain whatsoeverduring this procedure. We use acombination of local anesthesia andsedation to preclude any pain and to relaxthe patient.
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